iOS 8: A Take Control Crash Course
by Josh Centers

Price: $15
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Spotlight on iOS 8 Spotlight

One of iOS’s simple yet powerful features, Spotlight lets you swiftly search your device for apps, contacts, songs, and more. In iOS 8, Spotlight has been supercharged with Spotlight Suggestions, which show online content in the results list.

Searching with Spotlight

  1. While on the iOS Home screen, pull down from anywhere between the status bar and Dock.
  2. Enter your search terms in the search box.
  3. The results list appears . If you want to open an entry, tap it.
① 	Spotlight now has online content, including App Store, Wikipedia, and Bing search results.

① Spotlight now has online content, including App Store, Wikipedia, and Bing search results.

New! Spotlight Suggestions

Spotlight Suggestions brings online content into your search results:

② 	Spotlight can find news articles, Wikipedia entries, Bing search results, and more.

② Spotlight can find news articles, Wikipedia entries, Bing search results, and more.

Note: In a country where English isn’t the primary language, Spotlight Suggestions may not be supported. Check Apple’s iOS 8 Feature Availability page.

What Else You Can Find

Customizing Spotlight

Re-order Your Results Lists

If you always like to see certain categories of results first, you can tell Spotlight to put them first in the results list. For example, you might want to see any found Applications first and any found Messages last.

Tap Settings > General > Spotlight Search and then drag the grab boxes at the right of the list items to change the order in which Spotlight reports results.