iOS 8: A Take Control Crash Course
by Josh Centers

Price: $15
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What to Check after Installing iOS 8

After installing iOS 8, check these essential settings before moving on.


Many people would be unable to use iOS if it weren’t for Apple’s commitment to making iOS accessible to those with disabilities. The accessibility settings also make iOS easier to use for many others. See Accessibility in iOS 8.



Note: If you don’t know how to locate the Settings app, or need help understanding what directions like “Settings > iCloud” mean, see Where Is the iOS Settings App? in Take Control’s free Read Me First book.

Apple ID


Check the iCloud switches in Settings > iCloud and enable or disable each service as needed. If you need help with understanding what all these services do, refer to An Introduction to iCloud.

Social Media

A few social-media sharing services are built in to iOS. You sign in to each in the Settings app, and you can then send a post, image, or video from within any app that supports Share sheets—you won’t need to sign in to a service each time you want to use it (see How to Share).

To sign in to Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, or Vimeo, open the Settings app and tap the service’s name (you may need to scroll down a bit to find them). Then enter your username and password, and tap Sign In.

If you like, you can install each service’s official app by tapping the Install button next to that service’s name in the Settings app. After you launch each app for the first time (by tapping its icon on the Home screen), you can configure whether and how notifications from that app appear on your device (see Setting up Notifications).

Emergency Medical Info

If you have an iPhone, take a moment to visit the Health app and enter the details you’d like a first responder, or anyone else, to see on the device’s Lock screen in case of an emergency. See Accessing a Medical ID from the Lock Screen.