Digital Sharing for Apple Users: A Take Control Crash Course
by Joe Kissell

Price: $10
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Broadcast Browser Tabs to Other Devices

At any moment, my three main Macs, my iPhone, and my two iPads might each have a dozen browser tabs open. I switch among devices constantly, and I’m forever wanting to look at a page I opened on device A while using device B. This used to be a major hassle for me, but now I can easily use any of several techniques to see pages that are open in windows or tabs on my other devices.

As long as I’m using Safari, iCloud offers a simple (if not entirely obvious) way to see the pages on all my devices. (There’s also a third-party Mac app that makes this considerably more convenient, especially if you’re not using Safari as your main Mac browser.) If I switch to Google Chrome, it can do roughly the same thing as long as I’m logged in with the same account on each device.


First, set up iCloud to sync Safari tabs:

That done, here’s how to see open windows or tabs on your other devices:

**①** You may need to swipe upward to see tabs from your other devices.
You may need to swipe upward to see tabs from your other devices.

Google Chrome

First, make sure you’re signed in to the same Google account in Google Chrome on all your devices:

**②** In Chrome for iOS, tap the More icon (currently found at the upper right) and then tap Settings.
In Chrome for iOS, tap the More icon (currently found at the upper right) and then tap Settings.

Now, to see other devices’ open tabs:


To load a tab from another copy of Firefox on a Mac, choose History > Tabs from Other Devices and double-click the page you want to open. On iOS, tap the cloud icon followed by the page you want to open.