Yosemite: A Take Control Crash Course
by Scholle McFarland

Price: $10
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Table of Contents

What’s New in Yosemite?

Yosemite brings a bright, streamlined new look to OS X, changing some basic design elements, updating key apps, and integrating aspects of the OS X and the iOS experiences. Use the links in this chapter to jump straight to the new feature you’re most interested in.

The Look

If you have an iPad or iPhone running iOS 7 or 8, Yosemite’s new look might look a wee bit familiar .

① 	The Dock and its icons, once shiny and 3D (top), are now flat and stylized (bottom).

① The Dock and its icons, once shiny and 3D (top), are now flat and stylized (bottom).

I explain how to Take Control of Yosemite’s Look in the next chapter.

Revamped Apps and System-wide Tools

All of OS X’s major apps and utilities have been changed to fit Yosemite’s new look, and most of them have useful new features as well. Here’s a look at what’s new, in order of importance:

② 	Mail’s new Markup feature lets you annotate images and PDFs without opening these attachments in another program.

② Mail’s new Markup feature lets you annotate images and PDFs without opening these attachments in another program.

New Connections between All Your Devices

If you love your iPad and iPhone, you’ll be thrilled by new features that make using them with your Mac much easier:

③ 	Browse files in the new iCloud Drive folder.

③ Browse files in the new iCloud Drive folder.

④ 	Handoff makes it easy to start a task on one Apple device and finish it on another.

④ Handoff makes it easy to start a task on one Apple device and finish it on another.

⑤ 	As long as your iPhone and Mac are on the same Wi-Fi network, you can use your Mac to make and receive calls.

⑤ As long as your iPhone and Mac are on the same Wi-Fi network, you can use your Mac to make and receive calls.