In the previous chapter, I admitted to not playing games. In this one, I must confess another anomaly: I don’t listen to the radio. It’s just a habit I never acquired—that goes for both conventional and Internet-based radio. When I want to listen to music, I choose something from my extensive iTunes library rather than hoping a DJ or curator randomly picks something I might like. What a weirdo, right?
Anyway, pretty much everyone else I know does listen to the radio, and many of my friends are particularly fond of Internet “radio” services such as Apple Music Radio, Pandora, and Spotify. Services like these typically let you create customized “stations” that play music based on your personal tastes. If you think your friends might like to listen to the same music, you can share (that is, send) your stations to them. Here’s a quick summary of how to do that with each major service.
For other ways to share, see Sharing on Pandora.
In the Spotify Mac app, you can listen to prebuilt genre radio stations or create your own based on an artist or album. (You can also create radio stations based on playlists, but those can’t currently be shared.)
To share an artist- or album-based radio station, single track, or playlist:
Or, click Send to, enter a friend’s name, and click Send to send the music to that friend.
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