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Take Control Books 20th Anniversary

Tomorrow, October 24, 2023, is the 20th anniversary of the publication of the first Take Control book (Take Control of Upgrading to Panther, written by yours truly). For most of that time, writing books for Take Control was my main source of income, and when I took over as publisher in 2017, Take Control became my official full-time job.

When I wrote that first book, I didn’t have the remotest idea that this little experiment in electronic publishing would become my career. But over the years, along with more than 30 other authors and editors, I’ve been privileged to be part of a project that has helped many tens of thousands of people overcome technological frustrations and better understand how to use their devices and software. I like to think that, in some small way, we’ve brought a bit of order to all the chaos.

To celebrate this huge milestone, we’re doing several things:

  • We’re rolling back prices to 2003 levels, when all our ebooks cost just $5. So, from now until the end of the day (CST) on Thursday, October 26, every book costs $5. Upgrades are $5. Crossgrades are $5. Things that ordinarily would cost $4.50 or $4.99? Also $5, because we’re nothing if not consistent! This is a great time to stock up on everything you’ve ever wanted to read about at insanely great prices.

  • From now through Thanksgiving in the United States (November 23), we’re giving away my book Take Control of Thanksgiving Dinner, which has just been updated to its second edition! If you’re planning to cook a Thanksgiving feast for a crowd, this book is what you need: it goes way beyond mere recipes to cover all the timing and logistics, shortcuts, ways to upgrade recipes, and a great many “But what do I do if…” things.

  • Adam Engst and I collaborated on a TidBITS article: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Take Control Books.

  • Adam and Tonya Engst and I recorded a MacVoices interview with Chuck Joiner, in which we talk about the origins of Take Control, what it has meant to all of us over the years, and how it evolved to be what is is today. It was lots of fun for us, and I think you’ll enjoy it too!

  • Later this week, Chuck will be posting another two-part interview featuring a dozen past and current Take Control authors and editors. (We’re recording it today, Monday, so I don’t have an exact number of guests or a link yet.)

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for helping to keep Take Control Books going for two decades, and for the many words of appreciation and encouragement you’ve sent over the years. I’m grateful for everyone who has found our books valuable, told their friends about us, and helped us in our quest to make technology easier to understand.

One final note… As many of you already know, we recently switched to Paddle for payment processing. That means when you buy something from us using a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay, your statement will say PADDLE.NET* TAKE CTRL along with a city name that depends on your location—for example, it may say LONDON or ASTORIA. (For PayPal only, it will say PAYPAL *PADDLE.NET.) Since that may look unfamiliar, I wanted to call your attention to it so you’re not confused when checking your payments.

Realistically, I don’t expect to be doing this for another 20 years. Maybe 10? We’ll see. But Take Control Books still has a lot of life in it, and we have some exciting things planned for the next year. I hope you’ll continue to be a part of that.