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Sunday Report: December 12, 2021

As I predicted in my last Friday report, Friday the 10th was overwhelmingly busy, and I only now have the bare minimum of brain space necessary to write this week’s (or last week’s) report.

No new or updated books shipped in the past week, but we have several that will likely ship over the next week. Starting this coming Friday (the 17th) I’ll be mostly offline for several days, and in fact my availability will be spotty at best for the rest of the month/year. I may or may not be able to post a Friday report next week, but I hope to offer a nice year-end summary post on December 24.

Wish me luck as I prepare to wrap up The Gigantic Life-Disrupting Project by the end of the year! Just a couple more impossible tasks, and then, with any luck, life will go back to being pleasantly boring!