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Saturday Report: October 22, 2022

It was a busy week and Friday sort of got away from me, so it’s one of those rare Saturday reports.

Yesterday we released the third edition of Jeff Carlson’s Take Control of Apple Watch, which now covers the latest watch hardware and software, including Series 8, Ultra, and watchOS 9. A lot of people have been asking for this, and I’m delighted that it’s finally available. Congratulations to Jeff!

I continue to make progress on my 1Password update, but it’s not quite soup yet. Pressing on. And there’s a very, very, very long queue of other updates I have to do after that.

Meanwhile, the first snowfall of the year is expected here in Saskatoon tomorrow, and I have a dozen outdoor projects that have to be done before winter sets in. Eek!

Back to work for me. See you here next week.