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Important — Recovering Lost Snippets in TextExpander touch 3.2.3

NOTE: This only applies to TextExpander touch 3.2.3: subsequent versions do not exhibit the problem. The issue described below was fixed in 3.2.4, which was released on April 17, 2015.

Smile acknowledged a bug in TextExpander touch 3.2.3 (released on April 7, 2015) that “appears to erase all your snippets.” Fortunately, the snippets aren’t really erased, just inaccessible. Later updates to TextExpander touch will restore them, or, if you use Dropbox for snippet syncing, you can recover them with that. The bug and methods for dealing with it are fully documented in the Smile blog post, TextExpander touch 3.2.3—Recover Lost Snippets, posted on 9 April 2015. The most important takeaway if, for some reason, you are still running TextExpander touch 3.2.3 is this: Do Not delete and reinstall the app as this may lose your snippets irrevocably!