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Mavericks Server Version of “Take Control of OS X Server”

Thanks to Apple’s massive releases of OS X 10.10 Yosemite and iOS 8 in September and October last year, we were unable to finish Take Control of OS X Server before Yosemite Server shipped. Rather than hold the book until we could update it, we opted to for a quiet release late in November 2014. We’ve now had a chance to update the book to reflect the changes in Yosemite Server, and that’s what version 1.1 of the book covers. However, for anyone who is still running Mavericks Server and doesn’t want to upgrade, you can download the 1.0 version of the book from this page to get Mavericks Server-specific advice. If and when you do decide to upgrade, the 1.1 version of the book includes chapters on what’s new in Yosemite Server and how to upgrade.

Download version 1.0 of Take Control of OS X Server in: