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Friday Report: September 3, 2021

We released no new or updated books this week, but as always, work on many new and revised titles continues behind the scenes. I also had discussions with a couple of authors about their upcoming projects. We have one new title in particular that sort of emerged out of nowhere and I think it will be really nifty. It should ship in the next week or two, and of course I’ll tell you all about it here when the time comes.

As news, leaks, and beta versions of upcoming operating systems find their way from Apple to us, we continue to pay close attention and revise our plans accordingly. We don’t yet know when iOS 15, iPadOS 15, Monterey, and so on will ship, to say nothing of delayed or missing-in-action features like SharePlay and Universal Control, but we’ll do our darnedest to stay on top of all the new stuff and deliver updated books as quickly as possible.