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Friday Report: September 22, 2023

It was a big week, and there are more big weeks to come! This week we released four updated books:

Whew! And there are plenty more where those came from. Next week we’ll release version 1.1 of my book Take Control of Sonoma and likely one or two others, depending on how quickly we can all work. And over the next month or two, the list of additional updates is substantial!

Is it late September yet? It must be, because FastSpring finally claims to have fixed that Apple Pay issue we’ve been fighting for the last month. Quite a few people have successfully placed orders using Apple Pay in the past few days, so it sure seems to be mostly working, although I’ve been getting errors when I try it myself!

On that topic, I made further progress on our Paddle integration (see this blog post for context), but I have more testing and coding to do before we’re ready to roll it out (and, you know, quite a few interruptions, what with all these updated books and everything).

Tomorrow night, Morgen and I, along with our oldest son, Soren, are going to see Jerry Seinfeld here in Saskatoon. Really looking forward to that! I can certainly use a few laughs after this crazy week.