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Friday Report: September 11, 2020

Last week my Take Control to-do list stood at 98 items, and this week I added a few. But then I dealt with them, so they disappeared again. I went over the list more carefully, pruning things that were redundant or had become unnecessary for one reason or another, and consolidating a few items. It’s now down to what feels like a more manageable 85 items. Progress is likely to be slow over the coming weeks, however.

I’ve made a bit of headway on the new edition of Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, but it has quite a ways to go. I’ve also received manuscripts of several other books from various authors and editors, and we’ll be progressing through the production and publication steps as soon as we can. I had expected to publish Andy Affleck’s Take Control of Podcasting this week, but a few last-minute things came up, and they’ve now been addressed. So next week for sure! We’re also expecting a Big Sur compatibility update to Jeff Carlson’s Take Control of Your Digital Storage next week.

In the queue after that (order yet to be determined) are updates to Take Control of Notes, Take Control of Apple Watch, Take Control of macOS Media Apps, Take Control of Shortcuts, and a greatly revised version of Connect and Secure Your iPhone and iPad (with a new title). That should take us to the end of September, and October looks to be even busier!

Tuesday, of course, is the date of the next Apple Event. Rumor has it that we’ll see new Apple Watch and iPad models, possibly a subscription service that combines Apple Music with one or more other types of media, and likely other surprises. Most pundits seem to think we’ll have to wait until October to hear about the next iPhone models. We may or may not discover when iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and/or Big Sur will finally ship. In any case, I’ll be watching attentively and figuring out how, if at all, we need to shift our publication schedule to accommodate whatever happens.

That’s all I have for today. Back to the endless list of writing, editing, publishing, and programming projects!