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Friday Report: October 9, 2020

This week we released four updated books: Take Control of Photos version 2.1 by Jason Snell, Take Control of macOS Media Apps version 1.2 by Kirk McElhearn, Take Control of Apple TV version 3.1 by Josh Centers, and Take Control of Slack version 1.2.2 by Glenn Fleishman. Congratulations to all four authors. These books are now up to date with the latest operating systems and software they cover.

We still have many updates (and several new titles) in our queue, but it looks like the pace of new releases will be slowing down for a stretch, as several projects have been delayed for one reason or another. And, my official Take Control to-do list remains unchanged at 85 items. But never fear: we’ll get to everything as soon as we possibly can.

At next week’s Apple event, we are certain to hear about the new crop of iPhones. Rumor has it we may also see a new HomePod, perhaps a new Apple TV, and maybe even new AirPods. I’m hoping we’ll learn the release date for macOS 11 Big Sur (and I kind of suspect it’ll be within a week or less of the event). We may also get a first look at the new Macs featuring Apple silicon, although those might have to wait until even later in the year. In any case, we’ll be watching carefully, as always, trying to figure out which of our books will have to be updated to cover the new gear.

Besides the usual work and family obligations, I’m also voting this week in the U.S. election, doing my small part to preserve democracy. If you are a U.S. citizen and eligible to vote, I urge you to do so—as early as possible, and either in person or with an in-person ballot drop-off if you can. I’m Joe from California, and I’m voting for another Joe and a Californian because I want my children to grow up in a world that is not on fire (literally or figuratively), where everyone has access to affordable healthcare, and where dignity and respect don’t depend on your gender or ethnicity.