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Friday Report: October 23, 2020

Did you ever have one of those weeks? I’ve had a couple in a row now. Sometimes we’re in the groove and super productive, and sometimes we’re just not. So…no new book releases for the second week in a row, which is not what I was hoping for or expecting, but we will get back on track as quickly as we can. My to-do list still has the same 85 items on it that it did last week.

Next week I’m hoping to be able to release a revised version of Take Control of Apple Home Automation by Josh Centers, and possibly one or two other very very tiny updates. Barring any surprises (like the sudden release of Big Sur), that’ll be about it for October. We do, of course, have lots of book releases on tap for November, assuming the world more or less holds together (I know, not necessarily a safe assumption).

That’s it for today. See you again next week.