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Friday Report: October 20, 2023

It can’t possibly be Friday again. Already? I do not approve.

This week we released a small update to Jason Snell’s Take Control of Photos. I also had long talks with a couple of authors about future Take Control projects, and I ran our monthly royalties. The new edition of my Thanksgiving Dinner book is now fully edited, and I’m working on producing it for release over the weekend.

Next week marks the 20th anniversary of Take Control Books! Wow. Twenty years. I will have many things to say on this topic next week, and there will be some very special celebratory events that you won’t want to miss. It might be a good idea to stop by the site, say, late Monday afternoon (U.S. Eastern Time). But I’m going to have to spend most of the weekend preparing!

If the Weather app is to be believed, we have two or three days of above-freezing temperatures left this year, and then brrrrr season is going to hit hard. We’re almost certain to have snow before Halloween.

See you next week! More than once!