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Friday Report: November 25, 2022

It has been Quite. A. Week.

Monday: We released updates to eight (yes, eight) books by Glenn Fleishman. They were:

Tuesday: We released the third edition of Jason Snell’s Take Control of Photos, which now covers macOS Ventura, iOS 16, and iPadOS 16.

Wednesday: After learning that we inadvertently left out coverage of an important new feature in Jason’s Photos book, we updated it to version 3.1.

Thursday: We started our big Black Friday sale! For the next week, 29 titles are 50% off. Visit our catalog page to see what’s available. Sale ends on Thursday, December 1. Oh yeah, it was also Thanksgiving in the United States! Here in Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving in early October, so I marked the day by having a turkey sandwich with cranberries for lunch.

Friday: Morgen and I, along with our youngest kid, spent the day feeling completely miserable and doing basically nothing because of whatever the latest virus is that’s going around. We are thankful for family members who brought us tissues, soup, and other food!

So, you know. Eventful. (Sniffle, sneeze, cough.) See you next week when the sale and (we hope) this bug are behind us.