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Friday Report: May 31, 2024

This week, after five years, we finally published the fifth edition of my book Take Control of Your Online Privacy, which has been thoroughly updated with over 30 pages of new material and much, much better advice on a long list of topics. The threats against online privacy are constantly changing (and increasing), but you can fight back effectively with the clear, helpful advice in this book. I urge you to check it out!

Now my #1 priority is the long-discussed new book that will replace Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac, Take Control of Troubleshooting Your Mac, and Take Control of Speeding Up Your Mac. I plan to have that out before the end of June if humanly possible. And then, of course, we’ll delve into our fall releases, which will cover all of Apple’s new operating systems and will include some surprises. It’ll be a busy summer.

With a little over a week before WWDC, and the expectation of many AI-related announcements, I thought I should state something here, for the record, just in case there was any doubt on the matter:

Take Control Books are 100% human-made. They do not use AI or LLMs for the generation of any text or images.

I have told our authors explicitly: “Do not send me anything, not even a single sentence, created by any AI tool.”

Among many other considerations, AI tools are known for “hallucinating”—making stuff up that sounds convincing but bears no relationship to reality. We want our customers to be assured that actual tech experts with decades of experience have researched, tested, and verified everything in our books. The More You Know™.

OK, big day (and week) ahead, lots to be done! See you next week.