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Friday Report: May 26, 2023

This week we released a new edition of Jeff Carlson’s Take Control of Managing Your Files, which I am very very happy about. We also released a new version of Take Control of Preview by Josh Centers and Adam Engst, which involved about a zillion new screenshots and a bunch of other changes. I made a bit more progress on the updates to Take Control of Your Passwords and Take Control of Your Digital Legacy.

Other than that, this was another one of those weeks when I had so many appointments, meetings, phone calls, school events, errands, technical glitches, and other complications of all sorts that there was barely time to get any real work done. It has been super frustrating. On the plus side, edible plants are growing in my garden. However, visiting them means feeding the mosquitos, which are just ravenous. There’s always something.

Every weekend, my son Soren and I ride our bikes to the nearest DQ and get Blizzards. We’ve had this project where we were going to try every flavor on the menu—all 31 of them—before the end of the summer. Every week he gets one flavor and I get another, and we each taste both. We were making good progress, with 12 flavors checked off. And then, last weekend, they posted a little sign in the window, “Additional Blizzard Flavours,” with 56 additional choices. I have a pretty high tolerance for frozen dairy product, but 87 flavors divided by 2 per week is way way more than the number of weeks of warm weather here. I am unsure how we will meet this challenge. Thoughts and prayers appreciated :-).

See you next week.