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Friday Report: May 24, 2024

This week Morgen and Soren returned from their trip to Germany. They had a fantastic time, and Devin and I are very grateful to have them home again. As predicted, I was quite unproductive while they were away (though I did plant a six-foot tall Honeycrisp apple tree in our back yard), but I’m starting to get caught up. My editor seems to be nearly done with his first full edit pass on the new edition of Take Control of Your Online Privacy, so I hope and plan to ship that some time next week. I’ve gotten back to writing the new book on Maintaining/Troubleshooting/Speeding Up your Mac, for which I still haven’t settled on a final title. As always, I continue to test and provide feedback on MailMaven, too.

And that’s about it for me. See you next week, hopefully with more interesting news.