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Friday Report: March 1, 2024

This week I finished revisions to Take Control of 1Password and sent it off to my editor. Next on my list of updates is Take Control of Your Passwords, and I’ll probably wait to release both of those titles at the same time. Tomorrow I’ll be teaching a class for the Naples MUG based on my book Take Control of Your Digital Legacy, so I’m preparing for that right now. Also on my docket for the near future is more work on MailMaven documentation, as well as updates to several other books of mine.

At some point in the extremely near future I hope to be interrupted from all that by a shiny new manuscript by the estimable Jeff Carlson. It’s a different sort of book for us, but one I think you’ll really like, and I hope to be able to tell you all about it later in March. Glenn Fleishman is also working on a brand new book for us, about which I could say much the same thing.

We had two big snowstorms here in Saskatoon last week and they’re predicting another foot of snow over the weekend, so there is definitely more shoveling in my future. In the meantime, I have all these words that have to be assembled.