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Friday Report: June 23, 2023

We had a big week! On Tuesday we published three books: the long-overdue fourth edition of Take Control of Your Passwords, a small update to Take Control of 1Password, and the latest quarterly update of Take Control of DEVONthink 3. Not only that, but the second edition of Take Control of Your Digital Legacy has been written, edited, and produced, and it’s all ready to go out on Monday. Whew! So now I’m only infinity-minus-four books behind!

Next in my queue is a huge new edition of Take Control of Your Paperless Office, which is one of those books that’s so dreadfully far out of date it’s downright embarrassing. (It is, ahem, not the only such title of mine.) So I’m working on that, as well as chipping away slowly at Take Control of Sonoma.

Other Take Control authors, including Michael Cohen, Jeff Carlson, Andy Affleck, and Josh Centers, are also working on new or updated books. Glenn Fleishman, now back from his vacation in Europe, will soon begin work on updating a bunch of his books too.

In other news, a Take Control customer wrote: “By coincidence I saw your name in the American Heritage Dictionary. I live in Finland and I am not a native English speaker. ‘Cruft’ is one of those words I had to look up. You are quoted under that entry.”

Wow, I had no idea! I believe that was in Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac. Anyway, I guess I can check “Make it into the dictionary” off my bucket list!

There are but four days left in the school year here, and I’m dreading our two-month summer because this is the exact time I most need to be productive, and having the kids at home will make that extraordinarily difficult. But we will make it work somehow.