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Friday Report: June 14, 2024

I have been doing almost nothing this week except work on Take Control of Solving Mac Problems, and I am this →‖← close. A few more hours of work, tops. Barring something truly catastrophic, I’ll have this finished and off to my editor by the end of the day. Whew! This is officially the last of my delinquent updates, a list I’ve been working through for years. Once it’s done, I’ll only have (checks notes) six new books to write before the end of the year, plus a similar number of small updates and documentation for two apps. And I have a good five or six months left to pull all that off. Piece of cake.

That’s about it. Gotta finish my homework so I can play mow the lawn, water the garden, shave for the first time in a week so I don’t look like a hobo, and then rapidly write a whole bunch of books.

See you again next week.