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Friday Report: July 7, 2023

Today we released an update to Jeff Carlson’s Take Control of Your Digital Storage! Now we have only one more Jeff book to get caught up on before the fall operating systems come out and put them all back in the queue.

I continue to work on updating Take Control of Your Paperless Office, writing Take Control of Sonoma, and testing & documenting MailMaven. Several of our other authors are also working on new or revised books, as usual.

Last Saturday, my son Soren and I were among the 1,163 people wearing inflatable dinosaur costumes in the town of Dundurn, Saskatchewan. It was bonkers. One of the weirdest things I’ve ever done. We smashed the previous world record, more than tripling the previous count. We also discovered that dancing in dinosaur costumes is not as easy as it looks. On a crowded street where everyone has an inflatable tail and visibility is at 10%, it’s quite a challenge. But anyway, a good time was had by all.

Soren and I will be spending next week in Pennsylvania with my mother and sister. I’ll be traveling on Friday during the time I’d normally post my weekly update, so depending on time and Wi-Fi availability, I may be able to squeeze it in, or it may have to wait until Saturday.