After a series of unforeseen and irritating delays, this week we finally released the fifth edition of my book Take Control of 1Password, plus version 3.2 of Take Control of Your Passwords. I’m now working on writing Take Control of Monterey, and Josh Centers is writing Take Control of iOS 15 and iPadOS 15. If all goes well, preliminary versions of both books will ship before the end of August.
Nearly all the Take Control authors are also working on updates to their other books for compatibility with the anticipated fall operating systems (among other changes). Because there are always so many books in need of updates, and we all have multiple competing priorities, the updated books tend to trickle out over the fall and winter months. We’re going to try hard to get more of them out sooner this time. Wish us luck!
More progress occurred on our Major Life Project. Or, rather, on Phase I(c) of said project. We might get to breathe a provisional sigh of relief in a month or so, but the whole thing likely won’t wrap up for another year-ish, at which point I’ll be able to explain what it was all about, and hopefully something resembling normal life can resume. That’s something to look forward to.