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Friday Report: February 5, 2021

Although we didn’t have any releases this week, a lot happened behind the scenes. For example, we wrapped up editing on Glenn Fleishman’s new book about Mac security, which will be published next Tuesday—I’ll have more to say about that next week. I also finished writing the quarterly update to my DEVONthink book, which is being edited right now; we hope to release that next week too.

There has been a distinct uptick in email asking (with evident impatience) when one or another of my own books will be updated or when some other problem will be solved. Rather than rehash all the stories I’ve told here over the past months, let me just say: I’m working as fast as I can, given extremely difficult conditions. We will make our way through the long list of much-needed book updates, bug fixes, and other major projects. It will happen more slowly than any of us (especially me) would like, but we will get there. Complaining will not increase my productivity. Thanks for understanding.

One last thing: FastSpring will be down for scheduled maintenance tomorrow evening (Saturday, February 6) from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Pacific time. During that period, no orders can be placed on our site—you’ll just get an error message. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.