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Friday Report: Febliary 9, 2024

This was one of those weeks when I approached Monday morning with optimism and a plan to get So. Much. Done. And then…

My wife, Morgen, slipped on some ice and broke her big toe, so that has caused both discomfort and a lot of disruptions to our schedules. Then we had a plumbing issue that took an unreasonably long time to address. Then the teachers went on their third one-day strike, so our kids had to stay home on Wednesday. Oh, and we had a couple of snow storms this week, so I spent hours shoveling. I could go on, but basically every day has been something like that.

On the plus side, we did get to see Feist in concert on Wednesday evening. It was a highly entertaining show, although also super weird. Which, I suppose, if you know anything about Feist, is probably exactly what you’d expect.

I’m just waiting for a final check from my editor on a revision to Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal, so that should be out real soon now. And, in between interruptions, I do plan to put in a bunch of work on the next round of updates very, very soon.