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Friday Report: Febliary 24, 2023

It’s the last week in Febliary, and people are still writing to tell me about the “typo” in the titles of this month’s Friday reports, which shows that they haven’t actually read beyond the headline.

This week we released small updates to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Your Apple ID and Josh Centers’s Take Control of Apple Home Automation. I made further progress on updating Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, but was slowed down by having to prepare for a class on the very same subject that I’m teaching tomorrow for the Naples MUG. I also did quite a lot of programming, largely to improve the Library page, though there’s still quite a bit of work to be done there.

Today, February 24, is of course a very important anniversary: 25 years ago today, Morgen and I had our first date! Also, completely coincidentally, 34 years ago today, Laura Palmer was murdered in the town of Twin Peaks. And (checks notes) one year ago today that other thing happened.

Anyway, to celebrate the first of those events, and observe the other two, Morgen and I are going out to a Cajun/Creole restaurant here in Saskatoon tonight. We went to New Orleans on our honeymoon, so that food holds a special place in our hearts and stomachs. I am aware that we missed Mardi Gras, but I’m hoping the crowds will be smaller on account of Lent. (As if!) We plan to eat and drink way too much.

See you in March!