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Friday Report: Febliary 23, 2024

This week we released version 1.8 of Kirk McElhearn’s Take Control of macOS Media Apps, plus a tiny bug-fix update of my book Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac. I also did our monthly bookkeeping, which included computing royalties and paying all our authors, and worked on a bunch of boring-but-essential household tasks.

I’ve now cleared basically all the blockages that were preventing me getting back to updating Take Control of 1Password and Take Control of Your Passwords, so those are next. I also continue to test and provide feedback on MailMaven, which is making slow but steady progress toward a public beta.

Tomorrow, Febliary 24, is of course a very important day. We remember the death of Laura Palmer (1989), my first date with Morgen (1998), and the Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022). Morgen and I are going out for a rare dinner date, which will not involve coffee, cherry pie, or Ukrainian food (though all of the above are readily available here).

I’m looking forward to Monday morning, when the kids will be back in school after their one-week Febliary break. See you after Leap Day.