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Friday Report: December 9, 2022

I’m going to keep this week’s report quite brief.

Mainly: I spent many hours this week writing the sixth edition of Take Control of 1Password, which has been in progress for such a long time. It’s almost ready for editing—maybe another hour or two. When it’s released will depend on my editor’s schedule; I’m still hoping it’s by the end of the month. And, of course, the moment I get that wrapped up, it’s on to the next update, and the one after that, and so on.

As usual, other authors are working on their stuff, too.

And it has been mighty cold here in Saskatoon.

Next Friday, one of my kids is scheduled for surgery, and depending on how things go, I might be in Dad Mode all day. So if next week’s update is late or missing, that’s why.

P.S. Well done, Georgia!