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Friday Report: December 18, 2020

This week we released Jeff Carlson’s new book Take Control of Managing Your Files, which has been in the works for a very long time. The book is specifically designed to address a problem customers have complained about repeatedly: “I’ve got bazillions of files but I can never find anything, and I don’t even know the best ways to name, file, or organize my stuff.” Jeff does a great job explaining how to come up with a good file management strategy that meets your needs and preferences. I hope you find this book helpful!

Also this week, we released minor updates to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Zoom and Take Control of Zoom Essentials, plus a minor (quarterly) update to my book Take Control of DEVONthink 3. Next week, if all goes well, I hope to release a new edition of Scholle McFarland’s book Take Control of Siri. After that, we will be mostly quiet for the rest of the year, but we have several big releases planned for January!

I’ve spent a couple of days this week tracking down issues with Mobi (Kindle) files. Long story short, the current version of the Kindle app for Mac crashes when you add (almost) any third-party Mobi file to it, including ours. A secondary problem, which is not new, is that some of our books have Mobi files over 50 MB in size, and that makes it more complicated to get them onto Kindles and into Kindle apps on mobile devices. I was in the process of writing up everything I know about these two issues, when I discovered a few things I didn’t already know, and that sent me down a rabbit hole of research and experimentation. I hope to have that writeup done within a few days.

As next Friday is a holiday (namely, my wife’s birthday) and the following Friday is also a holiday (New Year’s Day), I don’t currently expect to post Friday reports for the next two weeks (unless something weird comes up). I’ll plan to be back here on January 8!