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Friday Report: August 18, 2023

This was one of those weeks when I was grateful for excellent backups but also irritated at how much time I had to spend using them. You know how it is.

My editor is nearly done with her first pass on the new edition of Take Control of Your Paperless Office, which I’m now hoping to release next week. I’ve been working on Take Control of Sonoma, which should be ready for editing in a day or two, depending; at the same time, I’ve been editing Josh Centers’s Take Control of iOS 17 and iPadOS 17. With any luck, both of those books will ship before the end of August, but we’ll have to see how things go. Two updates by other authors are also being edited right now, and those will ship as soon as they’re ready. Several other titles are in the queue behind those!

Canada is on fire. We’ve had lots of wildfire smoke blowing through Saskatoon all summer, but as you’ve probably seen in the news, they’re in the process of evacuating the entire city of Yellowknife, capital city of the Northwest Territories, with ~22,000 residents. British Columbia is also seeing major fires worryingly close to big population centers. We all hope we’re not looking at another Lahaina (or two).

Less than three weeks until school starts, and I can’t wait. But, between now and then, we still have lots of books to deal with, a variety of summer activities to polish off, and (this is a fun one) getting asbestos removed from our house, to make it safe to do other repairs in the coming weeks (including replacing a bunch of windows and our front door). Also we have lots of carrots and potatoes to harvest.

That’s it for this week. Stay safe out there.