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Friday Report: April 7, 2023

Happy spring holidays to those who celebrate them. I hope you’re all having a good Friday.

This week my wife and older son returned safely from their trip to Paris. They had a great time, though the trip was exhausting. Miraculously, by the time they got there, the trash had been carted away, and they hit a window when no significant protests were occurring. So I’m happy for them, and even more happy that they’re back home.

Daily high temperatures here in Saskatoon have begun to creep above freezing (though the last frost typically doesn’t occur until mid-to-late May), and there’s a good chance the garden beds I prepped last fall will start to peek through the snow in the next week or two. I have purchased seeds for various vegetables and fruits and am even starting seedlings in a little LED-powered nano-greenhouse in my office. The me of a few years ago would likely have regarded all this as proof that I’ve completely lost my mind, and that is sort of accurate. But come late summer we’re going to be eating a LOT of fresh salads.

What with family stuff, household projects, and sleep challenges, I got only a little bit of Take Control work done this week. There are no further major impediments to getting back in the groove, except for the fact that the kids are off school for the next 10 days, so… ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

I’ll check in again next Friday.