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Friday Report: April 30, 2021

Today we released free updates to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Your M-Series Mac, Kirk McElhearn’s Take Control of macOS Media Apps, and my Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal. Glenn’s book and Kirk’s book are now up to date with the recently released macOS 11.3, while mine simply fixed a couple of typos.

We are heading into the home stretch on three big updates, at least one of which (and possibly two of which) will be published next week. I’m particularly excited to report that Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, Fourth Edition is now undergoing its final editing pass. I’ll have more to say about all those books soon!

Work on our foundation started this week, and will continue for most of May. So it has been quite noisy and dusty inside the house, but at least we can get a nice foot massage just by walking around.

OK, enough chatting. Back to work!