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Friday Report: April 23, 2021

Apart from a(nother) very small update to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Securing Your Mac this week, nothing happened that’s really visible from the outside. But a lot of stuff is going on behind the scenes:

  • I finally (finally!) finished writing Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, Fourth Edition, which just may be the biggest new edition of any book I’ve ever written—and that’s saying something. It is being edited now. As soon as that’s done and the book has gone through the production process, we’ll release it (with much rejoicing). I’d say the odds are against that happening next week, but the first week of May seems entirely plausible. As soon as that’s done, I’ll turn my attention to the next item in my long queue of books needing updates.

  • Michael Cohen is working on the big annual update to his (free!) book Take Control of PDFpen, the schedule for which is largely in the hands of the good folks at Smile.

  • Kirk McElhearn is updating Take Control of macOS Media Apps to cover some upcoming changes in macOS 11.3.

  • Glenn Fleishman is updating a couple of his books to reflect Apple’s recently announced products, plus a brand-new title that we hope to release in May.

  • Andy Affleck is similarly working on an update to Take Control of Podcasting that will cover the new Apple Podcasts Subscriptions.

  • Sharon Zardetto is making progress on a big new edition of Take Control of Numbers, but the timing for that one is unclear at the moment.

There’s more, too, but that should give you a sense of what we’re working on here. I think we’ll have a lot of great announcements over the next month (and more).

Speaking of behind-the-scenes changes, next week work begins on a month-long project to replace (most of) the foundation of our house. The existing foundation has been sinking, leading to lots of big cracks inside and out, skewed door frames preventing doors from closing, and other problems. So that’ll be…exciting? Once that’s done, we have a whole long list of other home-improvement items to tackle.

See you next week.