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Friday Report: April 2, 2021

This week we released an updated version of Kirk McElhearn’s Take Control of Scrivener 3, mainly to cover the changes in the just-released Windows version of Scrivener 3. We have several authors working on other projects, including a few updates to books by Glenn Fleishman that we hope to release next week. Some updates are waiting for Apple to wrap up macOS 11.3, which we’re hoping will be Real Soon Now.

Other than that, nothing exciting to report this week.

But seeing how it’s April 2, here’s a random true story about another April 2.

In high school a bunch of us in A.P. English were really into The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. We all wanted our teacher to read it too, but she repeatedly demurred. So we decided to take up a collection and buy her the boxed set of paperbacks (at that time, the trilogy really was just a trilogy) and appropriately enough, it turned out that if everyone in the class chipped in 42¢, we’d have exactly enough. So we bought it and presented it to her on April 2, which was not only 4/2 but in fact 4/2/84 (42 x 2).

Despite that cosmic significance, I have a feeling she never read it. More’s the pity.