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Friday Report: April 14, 2023

Today we released version 4.1 of Take Control of Automating Your Mac, bringing it up to date with Ventura, and version 3.5.1 of Take Control of Your Apple ID, with minor bug fixes. These weren’t gigantic releases, but the Automating book in particular was vexing me for quite a while and standing in the way of other updates, so that’s one less thing on my list. I’m still impossibly far behind, though.

Next in my personal queue are updates to Take Control of Ventura, Take Control of Your Passwords, and Take Control of Your Digital Legacy, with many in line behind those. As always, I’ll get to them as quickly as circumstances permit.

This week has been pretty brutal as we’ve been coping with the kids being off school, a bunch of appointments, and other family complications. On the plus side, temperatures have been rising and about 90% of the snow in our yards is melted. (More snow is predicted for next week, however.) But the melting snow has revealed something I’d never even heard of before this week: Snow Mould, which has us all sniffling, sneezing, and generally feeling awful. Yay spring?

At least my seedlings are thriving, and once the threat of frost is past (still several weeks in the future), they’ll make their way out to the garden.

Assuming nothing catastrophic happens, I expect to start making more rapid progress on updates once the kids are back to school next week.