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Friday Report: April 12, 2024

This week we released a minor update to Kirk McElhearn’s Take Control of macOS Media Apps book to address a few changes in macOS 14.4. Meanwhile, Jeff Carlson’s new Take Control of iPhone Photography has continued to sell well.

Paddle finally fixed the bug that prevented some people from placing orders because they couldn’t fill in the “Zip/Postcode” field. Yay! I also completed a big chunk of work in preparation for a major server change, which should happen at some point next week. Other than a few hours of downtime, this should have no effect on the site’s appearance or operation, except that (we hope) everything will be considerably faster, more reliable, and less prone to bogging down under heavy loads.

Those administrative tasks (largely) behind me, I’ve turned my attention back to updating Take Control of Your Online Privacy, which really really really needs to wrap up as soon as possible. Then on to the next book, and the next. Other authors, as usual, are working on other things!

See you again next week.