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Checkout problem with “Zip/Postcode” field

UPDATE (4/8/24): Paddle sent me an email this morning stating that their engineering team released a fix for this problem this morning. I hope that means this entire episode is behind us! Meanwhile, I’ve left the post here for reference, in case something like this occurs again.

A handful of customers have reported that when they try to check out, they’re unable to type, paste, or autofill anything into the “Zip/Postcode” field, and because of that, they’re unable to complete their order.

Paddle is looking into this problem. Here’s what I can tell you so far:

  • 100% of people who experienced this were able to complete their order by switching to a different browser. So, if you’re looking for a quick fix, that’s it.
  • Almost everyone who has this problem (with one exception that I know of) was using Safari on a Mac. If you switch to a different Mac browser, that also means you can’t use Apple Pay, but if you use Safari on an iPhone or iPad, Apple Pay is available and everything should work.
  • Paddle thinks that one element involved in this problem (but not the only element) is scroll bar visibility. In System Settings > Appearance, if “Show scroll bars” is set to Always, you’re more likely to encounter this problem. So, you might try, just as an experiment, using a different setting, and then reloading the page.
  • One customer found that the problem occurred only when the window was full screen, but that resizing the window to about half the width of the display made the problem go away.
  • Although I have tried using identical settings to what customers have reported, I’ve been unable to reproduce the problem here. So I suspect that, beyond scroll bar visibility and window width, there’s another element involved, though I don’t yet know what that might be.

UPDATE (3/14/24): A customer discovered that, at least in Safari, if you zoom in (View > Zoom In or Command-plus) and then zoom back out (View > Zoom Out or Command-minus), the Zip/Postcode field lets you type in it. So, if you encounter this problem, please try that first!

If that doesn’t work, I recommend switching to a different browser just for this one purchase. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope that, with your help, we can figure out the cause and the solution as quickly as possible.