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Getting the Book Invented Properly

Coincidentally, the day after Take Control of iBooks Author was released, [The Literary Platform][1], a site that showcases projects experimenting with literature and technology, announced the winner of its Douglas Adams Animation competition. Entries in that [competition][2] had to provide animation for an audio track that Douglas Adams recorded in the early 1990s to promote…

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Joe Speaks from the iCloud

When it comes to flying through the clouds, it helps to have good navigational aids. [Watch][1], or [listen][2], as Joe fires up his in-flight radar to show you the shape and direction of Apple’s iCloud in an interview with Chuck Joiner via MacVoices and MacVoicesTV about Joe’s latest book, Take Control of iCloud. [1]:…

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Joe Discusses the Latest Version of his Backup Book

You’ve read the book (we hope), now hear (and see) the author, Joe Kissell, direct from Paris, as he explains to Chuck Joiner of [MacVoices][] and [MacVoicesTV][] what’s new and what’s important about “Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac,” the latest version of Joe’s popular and insanely useful book. []: []:

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Take Control of TextExpander on MacVoices

Chuck Joiner’s popular podcast features an interview with Michael E. Cohen, the author of Take Control of TextExpander this week. You can enjoy the dulcet tones of Michael’s voice in the audio version of the podcast at Or, if you wish to gaze at his striking visage as well, go to the video version…

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Listen to Joe Talk about DEVONthink

In MacVoices #1066, Joe decompresses from his many months of writing work to complete Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink 2 and chats with host Chuck Joiner about some unique aspects of the DEVONthink ebook project. He talks what DEVONthink is, describing it as “a centralized-storage-place, seach-tool, indexing, document-management everything, for just about any…

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Joe Kissell Talks Turkey about His Thanksgiving Ebook

Get the scoop on Joe’s favorite ebook, Take Control of Thanksgiving Dinner. In the MacVoices #9120 podcast episode, Joe and host Chuck Joiner talk about choosing a turkey, baking a moist turkey, making various side dishes, handling logistics, and more. Also, if you know what a turkey “giblet” is, but have always wondered which “giblet”…

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