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Andy Affleck Podcasts about Podcasts with Chuck Joiner of MacVoices

The third edition of “Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac” caught podcasting pro Chuck Joiner’s attention, leading to a 45-minute podcast full of podcasting pointers, as Chuck and author Andy Affleck chat about podcasting. Watch or listen to the [discussion at MacVoices][1]. [1]:

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Finding Old Editions

If you have older gear, or want to run an older version of AirPort Utility for Mac, you might prefer to read an older ebook by Glenn about AirPort networking. These are all zipped PDF files. If you need an unzipped copy, contact us. To get an EPUB or Mobipocket version (if available), click the…

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What’s New in LaunchBar 6?

LaunchBar 6 was released yesterday, with a plethora of new features and tweaks, and a stunning new interface. If you’ve been using LaunchBar for a while, you won’t find the new features disconcerting. The LaunchBar interface has been prettified; the default bar is now larger and more visible, especially on large displays, and LaunchBar lets…

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Take Control and eSellerate Unaffected by Heartbleed Bug

For anyone who is wondering, neither the Take Control Web site nor the eSellerate ecommerce site that we use for purchases were ever vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug, so you don’t need to worry about the security of your Take Control transactions or account information. There’s no reason to change your Take Control password either,…

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Heartbleed, Heartburn, and You

The startling and disheartening news about the recently discovered [Heartbleed][0] Internet security vulnerability no doubt has you wondering, “What should I do? What can I do to protect myself and my data?” The answer is, “Change your passwords for the affected sites. But not necessarily immediately, and not all at once.” Why not immediately? Because…

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