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Joe Passes the Word about Passwords on MacVoices

Joe and Chuck Joiner of [MacVoices][*] sit down for a wide-ranging chat about the new edition of this book and the state of passwords in this age of multi-factor authentication, password entropy, and password managers. They discuss all the myriad ways you can improve your personal online security without having to create and memorize a…

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Talking about Apple Watch Book Update at MacVoices

The ever-gracious Chuck Joiner and Jeff sat down on [MacVoices][] to talk about the latest update to Jeff’s book, a discussion that covered topics such as the strengths and weaknesses of the Apple Watch almost a year in, which important changes are in watchOS 2, and why Jeff updated the book. []:

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Dropbox Shuttering Carousel App and Service

Dropbox [has announced][1] that it is closing its Carousel picture service and app. Jeff describes his view of the matter on his personal blog in the post [Dropbox’s Carousel Jams][2]. [1]: [2]:

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Dropbox to Close Carousel and Mailbox

Dropbox has announced that it is closing its Carousel photo sharing app and service, and its Mailbox mobile email service. If you have used or have planned to use either of these services, read the Dropbox’s [blog post][] that explains these closings and provides links for more information for users of either service. []:

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Notable Interview with Jason Snell is Notable

Following the release of Jason’s update to his Crash Course book, he sat down with Chuck Joiner of [MacVoices][1] to discuss what’s new in the update. Such interviews are no new thing for Jason: he has conversed with Chuck many times in the past as, among other things, a guest on Chuck’s long-lived MacNotables podcast.…

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