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Kirk Dishes LaunchBar 6 Tips on MacVoices

For a quick (well, 42-minute) and informative overview of the new features in LaunchBar 6, including details about its new sixth “super power,” click the [link][1] to watch the interview that Kirk gave to Chuck Joiner on [MacVoices][1]. Or just watch it here. [1]:

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Joe Explains Why Users Should Not Fear FileVault on MacVoices

Although it is one of the cheapest and easiest ways for users to secure their Mac’s data, most Mac users don’t use FileVault. In this 38-minute [MacVoices interview][1], Joe explains to Chuck Joiner why many users are needlessly wary of this free feature of OS X, and points out some interesting FileVault capabilities that even…

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(Not So) Stupid TextExpander Trick — Currency Conversion

Posted on Smile’s blog today are [instructions][1] for building a TextExpander snippet that can do currency conversion. It requires that you install the [JSON Helper for AppleScript][2] app (free from the App Store). Once you have the snippet set up, you just type the dollar amount, a space, and the snippet abbreviation to run it.…

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Smile Posts TextExpander Tips for Shared Snippets

If you need to share groups of TextExpander snippets with a team and want to avoid abbreviation conflicts, hie thee hence to the Smile blog for [Tips on Shared Snippet Groups][1]. These tips are also useful even if the only person with whom you share TextExpander snippets is yourself! [1]:

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Andy Affleck Podcasts about Podcasts with Chuck Joiner of MacVoices

The third edition of “Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac” caught podcasting pro Chuck Joiner’s attention, leading to a 45-minute podcast full of podcasting pointers, as Chuck and author Andy Affleck chat about podcasting. Watch or listen to the [discussion at MacVoices][1]. [1]:

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Take Control and eSellerate Unaffected by Heartbleed Bug

For anyone who is wondering, neither the Take Control Web site nor the eSellerate ecommerce site that we use for purchases were ever vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug, so you don’t need to worry about the security of your Take Control transactions or account information. There’s no reason to change your Take Control password either,…

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