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Joe Updates Book and MacVoices Automatically Interviews Him

As is automatic when a Take Control book gets a major update, Chuck Joiner of [MacVoices][1] interviews the book’s author. The 1.1 update to Take Control of Automating Your Mac is no exception. Watch Joe and Chuck chat about what’s new in this season’s update to a very useful book. [1]:

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A MacVoices Triple-Decker: Joe and Chuck Discuss Three Books

Joe made his first [MacVoices interview][0] of the year a triple-decker, discussing his Take Control of Dropbox, Take Control of File Vault, and his latest book, currently streaming a new chapter every week on [TidBITS][1] for [TidBITS members][2], Take Control of Security for Mac Users. No need to feel insecure: you’re welcome to drop in…

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Chuck and I Talk about Pages on MacVoices

It is inevitable, but always fun, to spend an hour [chatting with Chuck Joiner of MacVoices][] whenever I finish a book. Our last chat was no exception as we discussed the book, how it came to be, and why Apple made Pages into the three-platform app that it is today. []:

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