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Joe Explains Why Users Should Not Fear FileVault on MacVoices

Although it is one of the cheapest and easiest ways for users to secure their Mac’s data, most Mac users don’t use FileVault. In this 38-minute [MacVoices interview][1], Joe explains to Chuck Joiner why many users are needlessly wary of this free feature of OS X, and points out some interesting FileVault capabilities that even…

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(Not So) Stupid TextExpander Trick — Currency Conversion

Posted on Smile’s blog today are [instructions][1] for building a TextExpander snippet that can do currency conversion. It requires that you install the [JSON Helper for AppleScript][2] app (free from the App Store). Once you have the snippet set up, you just type the dollar amount, a space, and the snippet abbreviation to run it.…

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Smile Posts TextExpander Tips for Shared Snippets

If you need to share groups of TextExpander snippets with a team and want to avoid abbreviation conflicts, hie thee hence to the Smile blog for [Tips on Shared Snippet Groups][1]. These tips are also useful even if the only person with whom you share TextExpander snippets is yourself! [1]:

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Heartbleed, Heartburn, and You

The startling and disheartening news about the recently discovered [Heartbleed][0] Internet security vulnerability no doubt has you wondering, “What should I do? What can I do to protect myself and my data?” The answer is, “Change your passwords for the affected sites. But not necessarily immediately, and not all at once.” Why not immediately? Because…

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TextExpander and Mavericks Tip for Text Expanding Bliss

If you have recently upgraded your Mac to Mavericks and discover that TextExpander no longer seems to work for you, don’t panic: TextExpander 4.1.1 is completely Mavericks compatible, but you may have to adjust some Accessibility settings in System Preferences. According to the Smileworthy blog entry, [TextExpander and Mavericks][1], you need to do the following:…

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