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Scrivener for iOS Released

After many months of development and testing, Literature & Latte has released [Scrivener for iPad and iPhone][2]. The mobile edition of the popular writing tool, now available in the iOS App Store, is fully compatible with Scrivener for Mac version 2.8 and Scrivener for Windows version 1.9.5, with which it can sync projects via Dropbox…

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Confused About Digital Signing? You Won’t Be After This MacVoices Interview!

In my interview with Chuck Joiner about the latest edition of my PDFpen book on [MacVoices][*], we discussed in detail one of PDFpen 8’s new features: support for digital signing certificates, which allow you to guarantee the authenticity of a document. But we didn’t just talk about certificates: PDF portfolios, file attachments, and audio annotations…

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Joe Unflips Bits with Chuck Joiner on MacVoices

Joe sits down with Chuck Joiner of [MacVoices][*] to explain some of the common misconceptions that people have about technology, why this Take Control book doesn’t have “Take Control” in the title, and how the book came to be written. The discussion includes visual aids, reveals the astonishing fact that there isn’t a hamster in…

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Charles Talks OS X Server 5 with Chuck Joiner

Yes, Server 5 is alive, and so is Charles’ book about it, which means it is time for Charles to explain to [Chuck Joiner of MacVoices][] what has changed, what hasn’t, and the pros and cons of running your own server. This far-ranging conversation has much to offer your inner sysop. []:

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Joe Passes the Word about Passwords on MacVoices

Joe and Chuck Joiner of [MacVoices][*] sit down for a wide-ranging chat about the new edition of this book and the state of passwords in this age of multi-factor authentication, password entropy, and password managers. They discuss all the myriad ways you can improve your personal online security without having to create and memorize a…

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Talking about Apple Watch Book Update at MacVoices

The ever-gracious Chuck Joiner and Jeff sat down on [MacVoices][] to talk about the latest update to Jeff’s book, a discussion that covered topics such as the strengths and weaknesses of the Apple Watch almost a year in, which important changes are in watchOS 2, and why Jeff updated the book. []:

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