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All the Links for Take Control of Your Productivity

(updated July 16, 2018)

Take Control of Your Productivity contains several links to web content that either didn’t fit in the book’s length, or didn’t apply to all readers (but was too useful for some to leave out entirely). I might also add new posts. For your convenience, they’re all indexed here.

July 16, 2018: Create a link to any email message in Apple Mail (Mac)

June 26, 2018: OmniFocus 3 for Mac shipping in September

June 20, 2018: Other Productivity Books Worth Reading

June 20, 2018: You Can’t Fix Your Mental Health with Tools—if you think you might have symptoms of depression or ADD, or know someone who does, please read this.

June 20, 2018: How Not to Take a Vacation

June 20, 2018: Tech Tips and Tricks for More Productivity

June 20, 2018: Additional Task Apps to Consider—coming soon, as new ones arrived just as I was finishing the book (and that was 12 hours ago at this moment). These will be added to Task Apps to Consider with the dates they’re added so you can tell what’s new.

June 20, 2018: Task Apps to Consider

June 20, 2018: All the Links to Take Control of Your Productivity Web Content, which being this post, probably doesn’t need to be indexed.