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Friday Report: March 3, 2023

Well, it’s March. Groundhog Day is more than a month in the past. But it appears we still have (at least) six more weeks of winter to look forward to here in Saskatoon. Brrrrr.

This week we released smallish updates to four of my books: Take Control of 1Password (version 6.0.1), Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac (version 4.4), Take Control of DEVONthink 3 (version 1.12), and Take Control of iCloud (version 9.0.1). Next week, expect to see an update to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of iOS & iPadOS Privacy and Security.

Meanwhile, I press on with my next round of revisions: small updates to Take Control of Automating Your Mac and Take Control of Ventura, a medium update to Take Control of Your Passwords, and a giant update to Take Control of Your Digital Legacy. With luck, all of those will be finished and out the door by the end of the month, but we’ll see. Then I can start into the really really big updates, such as Take Control of Your Paperless Office, Take Control of Your Online Privacy, and the as-yet untitled follow-up to Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac, Take Control of Troubleshooting Your Mac, and Take Control of Speeding Up Your Mac. Golly.

That’s it for this week…I have to go get caught up with The Mandalorian!