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Friday Report: Febliary 10, 2023

I’ll keep this short and sweet because there’s little to report this week. I made quite a bit of progress on the update to my iCloud book, and there’s a good chance that’ll be out by this time next week. There are also a bunch more updates hot on its heels, so stay tuned. I also did a MacVoices interview (not yet posted) and a user group presentation, and took care of a lot of kid- and cat-related tasks.

Last night Morgen and I went to a Bruce Cockburn concert. It was one of the best concerts I’ve ever attended, and that’s saying something. This dude is 77 and needed a cane to walk across the stage, but his voice and guitar playing were just as sparkly as they were the first time I heard him live, thirty-some years ago. A true Canadian treasure. Songs I hadn’t heard in many years evoked some strong emotions, and the concert ran nearly two and a half hours. What an experience. If you’re not familiar with his oeuvre, you can find 30 of his 39 albums (dating back to 1970) in Apple Music, and they’re well worth a listen.

That’s it for this week. See you next Friday.