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Friday Report: December 23, 2022

To begin with: happy winter (northern hemisphere) holidays to those who celebrate them. And to everyone else: humbug.

Yesterday we released the quarterly update to my DEVONthink book, and today before I go to bed I’m hoping to release seven updated books by Glenn Fleishman, plus an update to Josh Centers’s iOS 16/iPadOS 16 book, and an update to my Mac Command Line book. Yes, all in one day. Wish me luck.

Sadly, because my editor got sick, we won’t get my 1Password update out this month, and the other books of mine she edits (including Take Control of Apple Mail and Take Control of Your Passwords) are behind that in the queue. So I’m going to do a little rearranging in the hopes of getting one or two other small updates of my own books out before the end of the year, and then we’ll have that many more updates in January.

The big news this week is that Amazon FINALLY updated their Send to Kindle apps to support EPUB, having announced they were planning to do this back in May. This means MOBI is no longer an officially supported Kindle format, while EPUB now is. And that is terrific news for us, because MOBI has always been a huge pain to deal with, and it led to more work for us as well as a lot of customer issues. Now everybody can just use EPUB and be happy. So, as a result, we’re no longer distributing our books in MOBI format, and good riddance. (See this blog post for more details.)

We’re going to be participating in the annual WinterFest promotion this year, after quite a long hiatus. Unfortunately, due once again to illness, the full details are not yet available, but we’ll send out email (and post more information here) as soon as we can.

I have to go finish a big stack of updates. And wrap presents. And…buy presents. So much to do, so little time. I may or may not be able to post a Friday update next week, as (weather permitting) we will probably be traveling. But one way or another, you’ll hear from me again soon enough.

To all a good night!